Saturday, January 31, 2009

More pics

Te Puke

Greetings from Te puke.

Last night we stayed at our friends Braden and Rachel at their Kiwi Fruit farm. And since they have wifi I'll try to upload a few more piks, like some of Fia T our home away from home, and such.

Cathedral cove to the Kiwi farm

Woke to a great sunrise right from our van. Headed down to the beach, really close - like a hundred yards, a got ready for a kayak trip. The guides said that today was a perfect day, we are blessed! And what a fab trip, around some islands and finally down to Cathedral cove. Sorry but the photos for this trip are on an old fashioned film camera. But if you look at the title bar it is the fifth pix from the left. Tonight we are staying at Braden and Rachel's kiwi farm. Here is another cool new adventure

Coromandel Peninsula.

Wow now this is a beautiful area. The morning we drove up the west side, a widing road just meters from the ocean with this great old trees hanging over the water. We thought that was cool until we can down to the eastern side. Whoa! Killer white sand beaches, aqua blue water, and very few people. And as awsome as the beauty is the sun is just as intense. Something to do with no smog and the hole in the ozone layer. Watch out for the burn. This afternoon we headed to Cook's bay and Flaxmill bay. Absolutely gorgeous. Tomorrow we are going to go kayaking at Cathedral Bay another killer beach.

Black Water Tubing

Today was a trip to Wiatomo to go check out the glow worm caves. Nice drive thru the rolling hills and country side, A bit like the countryside around Paso Robles or so but green. Stopped at a cute little bakery for a killer meat and egg pie aqnd some fresh bread, Then to the caves, After donning some rather nasty wet wetsuits we all crammed into a van. But it was all good, Folkes from all over, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, and us from the states. The caves were really cool as were are two guides, The water was straight out cold! But what a fun trip. Sorry no piks from here-a bit dark in the cave. Good time. Still can smell the wet suit though, even after a shower. :) Heading back north to th Coromandel Peninsula area. Stayed just off the road in a park like area. First time 'off the grid'.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fia T

What? Who? Fia T, our new friend! Well o.k. she’s really our fiat based campervan. And she was having a bad hair day so no pictures today. It is interesting driving a small delivery van sized camper from the right hand seat on the left side of the road. And she’s a stick as well. But no worries, after a bit we were doing alright. And tonight we are in a holiday park (campground) in Raglan on the west coast. Definitely a day of firsts and a beautiful sunset on the beach.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aukland Day 2

A bit different weather today, on and off rain. We headed out to the west coast today. Much wilder coastline with wonderful forests of ferns and such. Really reminded me of Hawaii on alot of ways. Walked in the rain on a black sand beach. Later after a bit of lunch we did some wine tasting before heading back home. Then a few walks in the neighborhood, one thru a forest preserve right in town and then a walk down to the beach. So cool.
Tomorrow we pick up the van...

Monday, January 26, 2009


Auckland is a beautiful city as are our hosts Anita and Maurie. Thanks so much to them for picking us up and giving us a great overview tour of the city. Then back to their lovely house, with a million dollar view back to the bay. Time for a quick nap and to change into something cooler (it is a beautiful summer’s day) and then we are off to the beach.
Back after a nice swim in the south Atlantic. Wonderful dinner on the patio of their really cool house that Maurie built himself. And of to bed.

Bula from Fiji !

Well we just landed in Fiji after a quite pleasant flight from LAX. Since we left at 10:30 in the evening, and flew into the night, it was quite easy to sleep. Sandra seemed to sleep right thru most of the flight. I did quite well also. Fiji seems very beautiful and welcoming. Of course it is only 6:30 in the morning and already very humid. Soon off to Auckland.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

4, 3, ...

All right so it is now Wednesday night. Time to start packing. What do you take for a five week trip? I know, what a terrible dilemma to have. But it really is a balance of needs and wants. It is also a bit different in that we are taking two different types of trips in one trip. The first three weeks being in a campervan driving all around and then the last two weeks on a cruise. So the packing requirements are a bit different.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Jan 14th.
10 days to go. And the busyness is picking up. There is a lot to do when you are taking an extended trip. Thanks to Sandra so much for keeping us organized and on track. We will need this vacation if for no other reason than to recoup from getting ready. This really makes me wonder how our friends from So. Africa, Myhardt and Lisha, were able to get eveything in order when they came here for 6 months !